Professor Jonathan Jansen
Professor Jonathan Jansen is the former Vice Chancellor of the University of the Free State, with a formidable reputation for transformation and for a deep commitment to reconciliation in communities living with the heritage of apartheid. He holds an impressive collection of degrees and awards including the Education Africa Lifetime Achievement Award. Jansen is also the author or co-author of Letters to My Children, Great South African Teachers, We Need to Talk, We Need to Act and How to Fix South Africa’s Schools.
Professor Jonathan Jansen is die voormalige Rektor van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, met ‘n formidabele reputasie vir transformasie en ‘n diepgewortelde verbintenis tot versoening in gemeenskappe wat met die erfenis van apartheid saamleef. Hy het ‘n indrukwekkende versameling grade en toekennings verwerf, insluitend die Education Africa Lifetime Achievement Award. Jansen is die skrywer of mede-outeur van Briewe Aan My Kinders en Oor Bokdrolletjies en Rosyntjies.