Eric Parker

Eric Parker believes in testing his own advice before dishing it out to others, and his life’s story attests to this. He started his career as a corporate employee but found it stifling. So, after holding a series of successively more senior positions – including Marketing Director of KFC and Executive Director of the food franchise subsidiary of a listed hotel group – Eric left the corporate cocoon to become:

  • A founding member of Nando’s
  • Co-founder of Parker Gordon Associates
  • Founder of Deloitte & Touche’s franchise division
  • Senior partner of Franchising Plus
  • A partner in the highly successful Seattle Coffee Company chain.

Eric is also a past chairman of the Franchise Association of Southern Africa, won the coverted title of FASA Franchise personality of the Year in 1995 and was appointed a life member. Eric’s passion for the promotion of a strong entrepreneurial culture is infectious. He is highly respected as a strategist and speaker on motivation, business renewal and expansion, and is the author of several bestsellers on these topics.

Eric Parker glo daarin om sy eie raad te toets voordat hy dit aan ander voorhou en sy lewensverhaal getuig ook daarvan. Hy het sy loopbaan as ’n korporatiewe werknemer begin, maar dit versmorend gevind. Nadat hy ’n reeks meer senior poste met welslae beklee het, het Eric die korporatiewe kokon verlaat. Eric se passie vir die bevordering van ’n sterk ondernemerskapskultuur is aansteeklik. Hy word wyd gerespekteer as strateeg en spreker oor motivering, besigheidsvernuwing en -uitbreiding, en is die outeur van talle topverkopers oor hierdie onderwerpe.
